What Home Remedies and Products Make Your Eyelashes Grow?

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

What Home Remedies and Products Make Your Eyelashes Grow?

Those beautiful and lengthy eyelashes are ever an obsession. Most of us would have even tried different ways to mimic lengthy and thicker-looking lashes. Suppose you've been thinking that there is no solution to growing lengthy lashes or cannot do anything about the lashes' volume or texture- No, there is! We are happy to provide you with some of the most effective solutions to make your eyelashes more gorgeous than ever. We've included some effective home remedies and eyelash growth products to boost lash growth. Read on; 

Before heading to the solutions to boost hair growth, let’s have a look at the reasons for lash fall or thinning of eyelashes 

Reasons why your lashes are falling out 

The reasons for thin and short lashes aren’t the same for all. It can be hereditary for some, but for some, it can be due to other reasons like dryness, aging, hormonal imbalance, and maybe lack of proper lash care. Furthermore, using poor quality or expired cosmetics, or sometimes permitting your waterproof mascara to stay on the lashes for a longer time, rubbing or wiping vigorously, or even a poor diet can cause damage to your eyelashes and  lead to falling out of the lashes. In some cases, thinning of eyelashes can be due to health conditions too. 

Whatever the reason is; following a proper lash care routine with quality products and trying out some home remedies that work can boost the lash growth and get you long, thick and lustrous eyelashes.  

Home Remedies that can promote lash growth 

Castor Oil 

Castor oil offers multiple benefits when used on skin and hair; this is why it has been one of the most trusted and used oils in skincare for a long time. It has been used as a major ingredient in skincare, especially in hair care as it improves hair growth. Applying castor oil daily on the lashes can help thicken the lashes by promoting hair growth because of the naturally occurring fatty acids present in the oil. 

How & When to Use? 

Apply the castor oil to the eyelashes with the help of a cotton swab. If you have dry skin, it is always advised to mix castor oil with a few drops of coconut oil before applying it to the eyelashes.  

Some of the other oils that can be used to nourish and strengthen lashes are olive oil, almond oil, Vitamin E oil and coconut oil.  

 Green Tea 

Mostly all are aware of the health benefits of this antioxidant-rich drink. But do you believe that it can restore eyelash growth? Drinking green tea and topical application can considerably help stimulate hair growth and also reinforce the hair follicles.  

How & When to Use? 

Using green tea regularly on lashes can gift you strong and lengthy eyelashes. To start with, just soak the cotton pad in the green tea and gently apply it to the eyelashes. You may wash it off after fifteen-twenty minutes, or if you are applying it at night, you can even leave it overnight for best results. The alternate way is to use a green teabag on the eyes for about half an hour, it is not only good for your lashes but for the eyes too.  

Shea butter: 

The next home remedy that can foster lash growth is Shea butter. It is high in antioxidants, amazing anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in Vitamin C. Packed with essential Vitamins and antioxidants; it works like magic on the lashes and makes them long and strong.  

How & When to Use? 

Take Shea butter and rub it on your fingertips; gently massage it on the upper and lower eyelashes before bedtime. 

Products that can boost the Growth of Eyelashes 

Though you get a plethora of eyelash care products in the beauty market, choosing the ones that can provide results is a challenging task. Moreover, as you are using it on your eyelashes, you need to ensure that the product is safe and non-irritating. Here, picking natural lash care products will be the safest idea. Want to know which products to choose for lash care for that gorgeous looking eyelashes; Scroll down; 

Eyelash Oil 

Applying oils to the eyelashes can deeply moisturize, nourish and strengthen the eyelashes. Imagine using nutrient-rich oil on your lashes- they can take full care of your eyelashes. You may try Savarnas Mantra® Nourishing Eyelash Oil, made from a mix of rare oils and effective plant root extracts; it promotes lash growth and strengthens them. 

How & When to Use? 

Applying the eyelash oil to the lashes stimulates blood circulation and promotes hair growth. Besides, regular usage of the oil improves the texture of the eyelashes. Using the product is much easy as it comes it an applicator. You can apply the lash oil to the eyelids every night to improve hair growth, condition and soften the lashes, and maintain healthy eyelashes.  

Eyelash Serum: 

Following lash care like skincare is beneficial and can provide you with beautiful eyelashes. Serums are one of the most popular skincare products to maintain young, glowing and healthy skin. Likewise, using a lash serum made with natural ingredients is a boon to your eyelashes. Savarnas Mantra®, Natural Eyelash Serum, is undoubtedly the best lash growth stimulator created using scientific formulation and excellent natural composition. Including the lash serum in your daily beauty routine can make your lashes smooth, strong and lengthy.  

How & When to Use?

It is recommended to use the lash serum during bedtime for amazing results. Apply the serum to both upper and lower eyelids with the applicator provided and wash off the next day morning.  

Now that you know the secret to lash growth decide upon the best and start following a regular lash care routine to achieve those lashes you were longing for!