Best Tips to Shrink Your Pores and Look Naturally Fresh All Day

Aug 12, 2022

Dan Sir

Best Tips to Shrink Your Pores and Look Naturally Fresh All Day - SavarnasMantra

Pores are inevitable. They're what you get when your skin develops tiny openings to allow natural skin oils to escape and dirt and bacteria to enter. They're our skin's way of protecting us from all the harmful things out there that can harm our complexion. But sometimes, pores can be problematic for some people, mostly because they can collect dead skin cells and debris around them, making them appears larger than they really are. Some people have found success using store-bought products that contain powerful ingredients. If you're not having luck with these products, here are some tips for you to reduce your open facial pores and look naturally fresh all day! 

Know about "Open pores" 

Pores are essential to keep the skin hydrated and sweep out toxins. But, Open pores are found on the skin's outer surface, moreover like tiny pits. This skin condition is commonly seen in oily skin. Not only this, over time, the grime, oil and other impurities get collected in these pores, leading to clogged pores, the major cause of skin concerns like acne, breakouts, blackheads, etc. Eventually, the skin’s complexion becomes dull, and they appear older. 

Open Pores: Causes  

If you want to shrink those large pores on the skin, it is necessary to learn what causes it. Like other skin concerns, open pores are also caused by various factors. Let’s see what they are; 

  • Excess oil (sebum) production:

The increased sebum production is the primary cause of open pores. The sebaceous gland produces excess oil making the skin oily.  

  • Aging skin:

The skin’s elasticity loses after a certain age. You may also notice a reduction in collagen and elastin production of the skin cells; resulting in stretched and saggy skin, causing enlarged pores. 

  • Genetics :

Hereditary can be the main cause of open pores. The size of the pores may also vary depending on your genetic factor. 

  • Excessive Use of Makeup

Layering your skin with excess makeup also leads to clogged pores. Similarly, if not removed on time from the skin, it can clog the pores leading to other skin problems. 

  • Fried foods:

In most skin concerns, the food you eat is the major culprit. Likewise, consuming oily foods can increase sebum production, causing clogged pores. 

Follow Effective Skincare Regimen With Savarnas Mantra to Shrink the Pores

Open pores can't be prevented, but following a few good habits and the right skincare routine can highly aid in shrinking the pores provided with smooth skin.  

A clean skin- Washing the face twice daily with a formulated cleanser that can remove excess oil and impurities from the skin and the one with skin soothing and softening ingredients will be a better choice. Deep cleansing the skin once a month can clear the pores. Try Natural Rose Cleanser by Savarnas Mantra for a healthy and clean skin. 

Toners are a must: There is no better option than using a toner if you want to shrink your pores effortlessly. Toning the skin with a mild natural cleanser shrinks the pores, tightens and actively keeps the skin balanced. Savarnas Mantra® Natural Herbal Toner actively constricts the pores and keeps your skin fresh. 

Do not skip exfoliating- Exfoliating is often an ignored process in skincare. It’s found amazing in reducing the pore size and unclogging them. It is why; dermatologists stress the importance of exfoliating the skin and recommend exfoliating at least twice a week. Use Natural Skin Detox by Savarnas Mantra to deep cleanse your skin, keep them free of excess oil, impurities, and dead skin, and maintain smooth and glowing skin. 

Moisturize: Keep your skin well-hydrated using a lightweight moisturizer that matches your skin type. Moisturizing the skin twice daily can nourish, hydrate and protect the skin. Moisturize your skin with Savarnas Mantra® Natural BioMarine Moisturiser, for a well-nourished and hydrated skin. 

A weekly face mask: Applying a natural face mask once a week can restore, rejuvenate and rectify your skin concerns.  Savarnas Mantra® Natural Restorative Mask can soothe the skin and provide them complete protection from environmental damages. 

Effective Tips to Shrink Your Pores  

  • Avoid touching the face frequently. This habit not only clogs the pores but also cause other skin problems. 
  • Limit the use of excess makeup on your skin. Use a primer before applying makeup. 
  • Be alert and remove makeup from the skin without fail. 
  • Clean your makeup tools like sponges and brushes regularly and ensure they are clean before applying makeup.
  • The after-effects of the harsh UV rays cause numerous skin problems. And so, using sunscreen should be made a habit.  

What to Avoid and Include in Your Diet To Shrink the Pores? 

As mentioned, what you put into your body, matters a lot. Poor food habits can adversely affect your skin and its health. Let's see how to improvise them: 

    • Follow a well-balanced diet; avoid processed food, oily foods, etc.  
  • Including fresh fruits and vegetables can purify your body, providing you with healthy skin. Fruits like pomegranate and papaya in your diet are highly beneficial to keep your skin healthy and free from large pores.  

Giving great care and taking preventive measures can protect your skin from clogged and enlarged pores. With these healthy habits and the right skincare products, you can reduce the open skin pores and keep the skin naturally fresh.