Top 10 Bridal Skincare Routine Tips

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

Top 10 Bridal Skincare Routine Tips - SavarnasMantra

Marriage is a new phase of life. Everyone wants to be their best when they get married. The bride-to-be does special prep before getting ready for the wedding day. The pre-bridal preparation starts with special attention and extra self-care. A proper step-by-step routine is a must for bridal skincare. A wedding preparation for the bride is incomplete without basic pre-bridal tips for beauty at its best. Wedding preparation should start well in advance, say at least  3 months before marriage. 

There are many pre- bridal sessions and pre-bridal packages that brides-to-be invest in to look beautiful on the wedding day. The wedding ceremony itself is very special and to make this day more special, we have come up with special bridal skincare routine tips before the actual wedding date is announced. Let us roll out the special bridal routine skincare tips which will help you look more beautiful and gorgeous on the wedding day. 

Top 10 Bridal Skincare Routine Tips 

The top 10 bridal skincare routine tips are as follows- 

  1. Pre-planning 3 months before the wedding day
  2. Watch what you eat- Balanced Meals
  3. Hydrate your skin
  4. Regular exercise - Sweat it out
  5. Follow a skincare routine
  6. Exfoliate your skin well
  7. Regular hair and skin spa
  8. Regular facial sessions
  9. Skin polishing and brightening
  10. Facial and body wax 

Everyone wants to be special and feel special as the wedding date comes nearby. Let us take a quick glance into each of these valuable skincare routine. Stay tuned at the end for some bonus tips which are worthwhile for a beautiful radiant glow on your face for the wedding day. 

Pre-planning 3 months before the wedding day 

Start the wedding planning 3 months or 90 days in advance. You should enjoy the moment of pre-wedding planning as well. These prep-up days will definitely make you feel energetic and positive towards the wedding day. Prepping up is not only good for your skin but also for your overall health and mental well-being. 

Watch what you eat- Balanced Meals 

Take care of what you eat and take in the body. It is important to check and choose a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables. Add fiber and protein to your diet. Avoid junk food and keep oily food at bay. Avoid too much caffeine. This will also cause excessive weight gain and result in the toxic build-up in the body. 

Hydrate your skin 

Drink a lot of water to hydrate your skin. Also, make sure to apply some serum and moisturizer which will help give you a healthy glow. Hydrate your skin well with coconut water and green tea which are rich in antioxidants. 

Regular exercise - Sweat it out 

Regular exercise is a must to burn the fat and release the toxins from the body through skin pores. Sweating out will help your skin glow naturally. It also makes you feel good and look good as you lose weight. Losing weight will tone out your facial skin. 

Follow a skincare routine 

A morning and night skincare routine is a must for healthy skin. Start it on a regular basis and watch your skin glow naturally from within. Stick to the skincare routine and get addicted to beautiful skin forever. 

Exfoliate your skin well 

Exfoliating skin is very important to remove the dead skin from the face and this will help reveal and unleash the new glowing skin. Make sure to apply some sunscreen after your exfoliation and also try not to step out in the sun after the exfoliation process. 

Regular hair and skin spa 

Hair is equally important to the skin. Hair and skin spa must be looked into. Beautiful clean hair is a must for healthy skin. Hair should be free from dirt, sweat, and dandruff which can lead to pimples and acne. 

Regular facial sessions 

Regular facial sessions can help you maintain healthy and beautiful skin. It can keep skin disorders at bay. If you are visiting a beauty expert, make sure to apply sunscreen and sun protection equipment like shades and hats to avoid skin blemishes and tanning. 

Skin polishing and brightening 

Yes, you want to glow on the wedding day and skin polishing can help. Make sure to be gentle with skin polishing and keep regular gaps between the sessions for a proper healing process.  

Facial and body wax 

Waxing facial and body skin will not only eliminate hair but also give you soft and smooth skin. 

Bonus tips for Bride-to- b

  • Be positive
  • Stay relaxed
  • Live for the moment and enjoy it
  • Cherish happy memories
  • Practice mindful meditation and live in the present
  • Stay happy
  • Keep smiling always
  • Mediate 

Remember, being happy and in a positive frame is very essential with these bridal skincare routine tips. They will give you a radiant natural glow for healthy skin for the wedding day.