Top 10 Bad Skincare Habits

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

Top 10 Bad Skincare Habits - SavarnasMantra

Habits define your persona. Good and bad habits are part of life. From getting addicted to coffee to shopping or maybe smoking and alcohol, it defines you. Embracing and adapting to healthy habits will help your overall well-being. We all are aware of good habits for healthy living. 

Let us tell you some bad habits which you can “Say No” to in life. Here, we will specifically focus on skincare habits. If you are thinking your skin is already at its best, then you should definitely take a quick glance too. Healthy skin defines healthy life and a holistic approach is a must for healthy skin. Today, we will tell you about the top 10 bad skincare habits which will not only help you get beautiful skin but also good health. 

Your skin gives a sneak peek into your internal health. If you are not taking care of your health, it clearly shows up on your skin. “Skin is a mirror to your health.” It clearly speaks a lot about you and your health ecosystem. 

Top 10 Bad Skincare Habits 

  • Skipping on a daily skincare routine
  • An unhealthy diet with junk food
  • Addiction to caffeine
  • Addiction to alcohol and smoking
  • Erratic hours of sleeping
  • Using wrong makeup products
  • Sleeping with makeup on
  • Touching your face regularly
  • Taking stress too frequently
  • Lack of exercise 

Let us dive into each one of them and help you quit these 10 Bad Skincare Habits Today!!! 

  • Skipping on a daily skincare routine 

This is a very common wrong skincare habit. If you skip moisturizing or cleansing, it can cause unruly skin. Your skin pH needs to maintain with a regular skincare routine. This will help the skin protective barrier to stay in good shape. We understand, those lazy days at times. Make it a habit and get addicted to following a healthy skincare routine. Skipping moisturizers and serums can be difficult to overcome. Carry a moisturizer everywhere you go and do not forget your serum at night before you go to bed. 

  • An unhealthy diet with junk food 

Cravings are very common. It can cravings for sweet or salt foods. Well, the easy way to quit these habits is through water or maybe a healthy fruit. “Junk food” is self-explanatory and does not provide any nutrients to the body. Quit junk foods right away. It's not only hazardous for skin health but also for overall health. Junk just builds up toxicity in the body which can cause various skin issues. 

  • Addiction to caffeine 

This is difficult to quit especially coffee and tea. If you are addicted to coffee and tea at a particular part of the day, try reducing the quantity of coffee or tea in your cup day by day. We can make it simpler for you by switching to green tea or maybe some coconut water and healthy munchies like nuts and seeds. 

  • Addiction to alcohol and smoking 

Smoking and alcohol are injurious to health. They harm your lungs, liver, and skin too. They cause major problems with dehydrated, dark skin and lips. The best way to quit smoking and alcohol is by tapering it down slowly from low to zero. Staying occupied and busy will help you give up on smoking and alcohol. 

  • Erratic hours of sleeping 

Sleeping late and getting up late too is a bad habit for health. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Make it a habit to go to bed at 10:30 pm and wake up by 6:00 am. Regular timing will help your body clock work better. It will give you glowing skin too. The easy way to get this right sleep timing is to work hard the entire day and have sound sleep at night. 

  • Lack of exercise 

Early morning exercise is very good for your health. If you want a glowing skin, start exercising in the morning or do some yoga and meditation. 

  • Sleeping with makeup on 

We understand you are tired after a long day of work. Take out some time for self-care at night for your skin. A minimum investment of 15-20 mins daily at night before you go to bed can work wonders for your skin.  

  • Using wrong makeup products 

Using wrong makeup products like expired products or may be overloaded with too many chemicals can harm the skin. Switching the products and changing them frequently can also harm the skin. Try to stick to one brand of makeup products. It is advisable to use a natural skincare brand for beautiful skin. 

  • Touching your face regularly 

Picking pimples and zits by squeezing them will leave a scar. Avoid touching your face frequently to take care of cross-contamination. Sanitize your hands regularly too. 

  • Taking stress too frequently 

Stress leads to many health issues and skincare problems. Avoid stress for better health. Quit it by regularly exercising, meditating, and staying relaxed. 

Now, you are aware of bad skincare habits. We have given you solutions to quit them too. Take an initiative and get started pledge to “Quit Bad Skincare Habits” for beautiful and holistic skin health.