Moisturizing The Skin- Best Tips & Advice

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

Moisturizing The Skin- Best Tips & Advice - SavarnasMantra

Moisturization of skin is the best way to keep it hydrated. We generally cleanse our face regularly during bathing but tend to neglect the moisturization process. We think it's sufficient to cleanse to take care of the skin. But, Did you know cleansing and moisturization go hand-in-hand? Yes, that's true, cleansing removes all the dirt but all tend to strip off the natural oils. After step 1 of cleansing, moisturization is equally important to restore hydration.

Why is it important to moisturize your skin?

Dry and dehydrated skin can lead to dullness which is difficult to deal with. When skin is hydrated and moisturized, it functions well. The skin barrier remains intact. The main function of the skin is protection. The moisturization helps the skin to function at the optimum level and keep the skin at a healthy pace. It is important to constantly hydrate the skin well and skin issues at bay. Dry skin is problematic and may cause the following issues-

  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Allergy
  • Psoriasis
  • Hyperpigmentation

How to know, check and confirm whether the skin is dry?

Dry skin can cause cuts and cracks which can lead to bleeding. This may cause a break in skin integrity.  Dehydrated skin not necessarily is rough and flaky but rather shows a loss of resiliency.

The right way to check this is to pinch your skin, if it remains dented, it means your skin lacks hydration and is dry. Ever touched a baby’s tender skin on cheeks, it is plump and supple. The cheeks do not leave a dent and that's why they are termed as baby soft to touch.

How to moisturize the skin in the right way?

I am sure you want the same baby soft skin. Let's help you get started with the correct way to moisturize the skin to keep dryness at bay. 

  1. Choose the correct product
  2. Apply moisturizer immediately after bath
  3. Make sure to cleanse using a gentle cleanser
  4. Damp you face slightly before moisturization
  5. Moisturize at night for soft skin in the morning
  6. Switch to hydrating skincare ingredients
  7. Don’t shower for too long with hot water baths
  8. Exfoliate weekly
  9. Drink more water
  10. Avoid consuming dehydrating foods and drinks

Choose the correct product

This is very essential before you start with the moisturization regime. Use a good moisturizer that may be heavy in texture but easily absorbable. This won't cause a heavy build-up on the outer skin layer and will help penetrate the deep layers to hydrate it well. Avoid alcohol ingredients that can cause over-drying of the skin. Switch to natural ingredients and formulated skincare moisturizers.

Apply moisturizer immediately after bath

We generally cleanse our skin with soaps. Some soaps can be harsh on the skin and may strip off the natural oils causing dryness. Make sure to moisturize your skin well after the bath which helps in rehydrating the skin cells and helps lock in moisture.

Make sure to cleanse using a gentle cleanser

A gentle natural cleanser is worth investing for the skin which will help retain the moisture in the skin. A moisturizer after the use of a natural cleanser works the best for smooth and glowing skin.

Damp your face slightly before moisturization

If you think that applying the moisturizer is not getting enough benefits, damp your face slightly and then apply the moisturizer. The best way to dampen the face is with some toner, preferably natural toner which will dampen the face naturally, and then apply moisturizer to help trap in hydration and get maximum benefits of the moisturization.

 Moisturize at night for soft skin in the morning

Nighttime, especially when you sleep, is a great time to repair the skin. Applying some natural moisturizer at night before bedtime is a good idea to allow it to heal. Doing moisturization regularly will help you in preventing aging effects on the skin and you will wake up with baby soft skin. Make sure you use an absorbable form of natural moisturizer so that you do not spoil the sheets and pillow covers.

Switch to hydrating skincare ingredients 

Check the label before you make the best pick for a moisturizer for your skincare routine. Incorporate natural plant-based skincare ingredients with active constituents that help stimulate the skin cells naturally.

Don’t shower for too long with hot water baths

Over bathing with hot water can harm the skin barrier and eliminate natural oils and sebum from the skin. Use lukewarm water before exfoliation and make sure to use cold water for the last rinse.

Exfoliate weekly

The toxic build-up must be carefully removed with proper and gentle exfoliation. Just applying moisturizer may cause buildup on the skin in the long run. Exfoliate gently twice or thrice a week which will help unclog pores and absorb the moisturizer well.

Drink more water

Just moisturization is not enough, hydration is equally important. Make sure to drink more water and stay hydrated especially in summers or if you tend to exercise more. Hydration coupled with moisturizing works to give you the best skin and defeat dryness.

Avoid consuming dehydrating foods and drinks

Excessive salty, junk food, alcohol, and smoking can cause dehydration and dryness. Apart from moisturization correctly, eliminating such food items and drinks can work wonders for healthy soft skin.

So, follow these tips before you grab your moisturizer. Moisturization should be a daily routine and must-to-do for appropriate skincare.