How to Change your Skincare with Seasons

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

How to Change your Skincare with Seasons

Our skin is ever-evolving. There may be times when one routine can last us years, and then there are times when even a seasonal change demands we do something different. In fact, seasonal change should bring a change in our skincare routine, even if it is minor. Because the quality of air changes, temperature changes, humidity changes, and sometimes even air pressure changes. They all affect our skin. So the best skin care routine is not one that lasts a lifetime, but one that shifts with seasons. If you want to know how to take care of your skin through summer, winter, spring, and autumn then you have come to the right place! Here’s how to change your skincare with seasons: 


We start preparing for winter by airing out our coats, hats, gloves, and mittens. By stocking up our pantries and checking heating systems. Then why don’t we prepare our skin and skincare routine too? Winter is characterized by cold weather, lack of moisture in the air, and icy nipping winds. This causes skin problems like dry skin, cracking, flaking, chapping of lips, skin irritation, and worsening of skin conditions like eczema.  

What’s more, you need to keep your sunscreen routine up because many people stop using sunscreen when the sun is mild and mornings gloomy. 

Winter Dos:

  • Moisturize diligently to compensate for the lack of moisture in the air
  • Use rich hydrating serums or night creams to keep your skin rich and smooth
  • Switch from your regular cleanser to a moisturizing one, preferably without drying agents like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, etc
  • Use sunscreen just as regularly in winter as you would in summer (even if the sun is dimmed)
  • Exfoliate well to get rid of dead, dry, and flaky skin
  • Try using humidifiers to keep your surroundings nice and humid

Winter Donts:

  • Don’t over-wash your face as it can cause excessive drying
  • Don’t use products that you may be allergic to
  • Don’t soak or shower in very hot water as it can scorch the skin and cause redness
  • Don’t skip lip moisturization and lip balm
  • Don’t forget to use sunscreen on the lips too 


After a winter skincare regime that has essentially kept you away from drying agents, and in the proximity of rich moisturizers, spring comes knocking. Everybody wants to suddenly venture out and enjoy the outdoors. So to take care of your skin in this transition season, you need to walk a tight line. Because the weather slowly warms up, the air is still a mix of dry and mildly wet, while the sun plays hide-and-seek.  

Spring Dos:

  • Exfoliate regularly, as this is the time to get rid of all that dead and dry skin leftover from the winter months
  • Keep wearing sunscreen, even on those days when the sun doesn’t shine too brightly 
  • Switch your moisturizer from heavy and rich to something lightweight 
  • Eat fresh fruits and veggies to compensate for the lull during winter
  • Add a more intense outdoor workout to your regime as fresh air is great for the vitality of your skin
  • Get into spring-cleaning mode and clean your makeup brushes, eyebrow brushes, and other beauty tools
  • Include antioxidants in your diet, supplements, and skincare products as they help fight sun damage 

Spring Donts:

  • Even if the weather feels humid on some days, do not reduce your moisturizer use yet. Instead, switch to a lightweight one for the season
  • Do not use the same sunscreen you used for winter, because it may need an SPF upgrade with longer, sunny days 


As summer comes, everything becomes a lot more cheerful. The trees are green and lush, people happier, and children in vacation mode. The sun too shines brighter. This also means there is more heat, high humidity, and more chances of sun damage. This requires you to change up your skincare routine a little more drastically. So the best skincare for summer includes lightweight products, airy clothes, and lots of water and fruits! 

Summer Dos:

  • Use strong sunscreen with high SPF (30 or more) multiple times a day (at least 3 times)
  • Bring down your moisturizer routine from multiple times a day to a couple of times
  • Change your moisturizer to a very lightweight formula, which is also quick-absorbing
  • Or try lotion, as it is water-based
  • Wear light, airy clothes that have longer sleeves to protect you from the sun
  • If you have oily or acne-prone skin then start using a strong cleanser twice a day
  • The humidity and heat may lead to breakouts, so use anti-acne masks
  • Drink lots of water and other nutritious fluids
  • Include fresh fruits in your diet 

Summer Donts:

  • Don’t go without sunscreen, even at home 
  • Don’t sunbathe
  • Avoid too much sun exposure, it is better to get a tan from a bottle
  • Don’t use very heavy moisturizers as they tend to become greasy with all the sweat and humidity  


Autumn is another transitional season, one where you are stuck in-between. Summer is going and winter is coming. The air is slowly going dry and the temperatures begin to drop. This is an opportunity to recover from the summer heat and humidity. But it also means that people with dry skin types begin to struggle with parched, stretchy, and flaky skin. 

Autumn Dos:

  • Start exfoliating your skin well again, as the dryness in the air is going to make it flaky and dull
  • Apply a rich moisturizer after your bath directly. This helps seal the moisture and retain oils
  • This is the time when lips begin to feel chapped, so start scrubbing them regularly and do apply a lip balm and sunscreen 
  • Switch back from lotion to moisturizer as dry skin demands more hydration 
  • Start using hand creams from now so that you have soft, supple, manageable skin throughout winter

Autumn Donts:

  • Do not skip your sunscreen even if the days become shorter and gloomier
  • Do not ditch warm clothing like mufflers and beanies as they help protect your skin and hair against the elements (wind and cold) 

There is nothing called the ‘ultimate best skincare.’ Skincare is a very dynamic process that keeps evolving as you age, change professions, grow in personal life as well as go from one season to another. At Savarnas Mantra, we believe in being there for you through all these changes. We believe in equipping you with our wide range of products and expertise. So that you can transition smoothly through the seasons, and your skin always remains happy. 

From rich moisturizers to lightweight formulas, from acne-control cleansers to deep-cleansing one, we have a long list for you to choose from. Some of them are: 

For Summer:

  • Savarnas Mantra® Natural Ultimate Nourishing Hyaluronic Moisturizer:

A light-weight & quick-absorbing moisturizer with the richness of Hyaluronic acid.

A great cleanser for acne-prone skin, it deep cleanses the pores and cleans the skin thoroughly. It is also lightweight, with a wonderful refreshing smell. 

For Winter:

  • Savarnas Mantra® Natural BioMarine Moisturiser:

This moisturiser is perfect to transform desert-dry skin by maintaining a protective barrier on the skin. The seaweed extract locks in intense moisture.

Our Natural Polisher Exfoliant helps remove impurities, scrub away dead skill cells, and reveal vibrant new skin! A must for your winter scrubbing routine.