How to beat the summer heat?

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

How to beat the summer heat? - SavarnasMantra

The scorching heat is difficult to beat. As the temperature soars this summer, the sunshine can significantly impact the skin. Apart from being a “water baby,” there are other cooling tips that can beat the heat this summer. Beat the heatwave by hydrating your skin well this year. Prepare a summer skin survival kit that keeps you healthy this summer. Let’s help you bag it this summer !!! Here is everything you need to grab for summer skincare essentials that can help skin beat the heat. 

What to grab before you step out in the sun? 

  • Broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF more than 15 or higher
  • Sunglasses and shades
  • UV protective clothing
  • Wide-brimmed hat
  • Gentle cleanser wipes for skin and body
  • Lip balm with SPF
  • Age fighting moisturizer
  • BPA filled bottle to the brim with cool water 

This is your summer survival kit which is a must-have this season. 

Neglecting the above tips can not only cause skin problems but also cause heatstroke. Spending too much time in the sun can cause dehydrated skin and body. 

What are the different illnesses caused due to excessive heat in summer? 

The different heat illnesses and symptoms are - 

Summer problems



Excessive sweating

Red hot skin

Dry skin

Very high body temperature

Fainting & Confusion

Heat exhaustion

Tiredness & headache

Heavy headache or Lightheadedness


Cool moist skin

Fast heartbeat

Heat cramps

Loss of protein from muscles

Muscle cramps due to loss of electrolytes

Pain in the abdomen, arms, and legs

Heat Rashes

Redness of skin, especially face and cheeks

Clusters of red bumps on skin

Hyperpigmentation and dullness of skin

Tanning and sunburn


To prevent these summer problems, make sure to protect yourself from the harsh UV rays and keep yourself hydrated with water. 

How to shine this summer? 

Stay cool this summer with the best summer care tips from Savarnas Mantra. Follow the best diet tips for a healthy lifestyle this summer to beat the heat the right way!!! 

Skincare is very important in all seasons throughout the years. One must make sure to keep skin at its best. Here are summer skincare tips to help your skin and beat the heat in style. 

  • Use minimal makeup
  • Let the skin breathe
  • Follow your CTM procedure twice daily
  • Do not step out with sunscreen
  • Do not exfoliate during the day and step out in the sun after exfoliation
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun
  • Keep the environment cool 

Diet tips for summer to keep you cool internally 

Choose the right diet tips this summer. Here are some essential health tips which you should follow this summer- 

  • Start your day with one or two glasses of water
  • Make sure to drink water throughout the day
  • Follow a regular schedule for healthy meals
  • Stop binging on unhealthy snacks
  • Grab a fruit to curb cravings
  • Make sure your food is fresh this summer
  • Stick to home-cooked meals
  • Avoid overeating
  • Eat small 5 - 6 meals throughout the day
  • Say no to sugar and aerated drinks
  • Prefer coconut water
  • Have some healthy smoothies
  • Exercise and sweat it out in the summer 

Following these healthy tips will not only help keep you cool from within but avoid any kind of heat exhaustion or heat rashes. It will also help your overall skin condition in the summer.