Does sleep affect your skin?

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

Does sleep affect your skin?

Most of us are busy finding different products to make the skin healthy and problem-free. But, sometimes, certain other factors can also take a toll on the skin. Among them, sleep is the most common and important one. Sleep is necessary for everyone, and it's no surprise that people who don't get enough of it tend to notice many health concerns. Not to mention, sleep has a great impact on the skin as well. Lack of sleep can affect your skin in many ways and lead to various skin problems, including acne and wrinkles. Want to know about the importance of sleep and its benefits on the skin? Scroll down; 

Is beauty sleep really important for skin?

Getting enough and undisturbed sleep can benefit the skin in numerous ways. Let's have a look at the advantages that the skin gets when the body gets enough sleep; 

First few hours of sleep: During this slow-wave sleep phase, the human growth hormone somatotropin is highly produced. It is much essential when we age; it helps maintain youthful and radiant skin. Besides, it is also essential for the repair process of skin cell damage.  

Mid-hours: Melatonin is increased during the mid-hours of sleep. By protecting the skin against free radicals, this hormone acts as an antioxidant. 

Final hours of sleep: During the final stage of sleep, also known as the REM sleep stage, cortisol levels decrease. During this time, the muscles are relaxed, and collagen production is increased. Hence, it aids in minimizing the fine wrinkles provided with smooth skin.  

How does sleep deprivation affect the skin?


Do you know that lack of sleep can be the reason for the frequent breakouts on the skin? According to research, not getting adequate sleep may cause acne breakouts on the skin. You can even see that people with a poor sleep routine are more likely to have acne on the skin.

Likewise, sleep deprivation can lead to stress, which is one of the primary reasons for the development of acne. When the body is stressed, it produces cortisol, which badly affects the immune system's fighting power, leading to skin problems.   

Aging Skin

The lack of sleep leads to increased stress levels. Chronic stress levels affect collagen, which is essential to keep the skin looking plumper, firm, and smooth. Moreover, it’s a vital component to maintain skin’s elasticity and structure. As collagen breaks down, the aging signs on the skin become more visible. 

Dry Skin:

When we're missing out on sleep, it is actually affecting the moisture levels in the skin. Likewise, during sleep, we perspire more, which helps keep the skin naturally moisturized, and keeps them smooth. On the other hand, lack of sleep badly affects the moisture levels in the skin and lowers the PH levels leading to dry skin.  

Under-eye concerns:

One of the main reasons for under-eye concerns, mainly those pesky dark circles and puffiness, is lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation makes the blood vessels dilate, leading to dark circles.  

Paler or dull-looking skin, appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and swollen eyes, etc., is some of the other skin problems caused by lack of sleep.  

Tips to Improve Your Sleep Routine:

We’ve already seen the benefits of getting proper sleep and how sleep deprivation affects the skin. It’s much easy to fall into a poor sleeping pattern; a late-night hang-out with friends or overtime work can affect your sleep time. An undisturbed sleep of seven to nine hours is much needed to maintain a healthy mind, body and skin. Sleeping for fewer than seven hours can have adverse effects on your physical and mental health, as well as your skin. Here are some ways that can help you improve your sleep routine to look better and to feel better; 

  • If you don’t follow a bedtime routine, it’s time to set one and follow it strictly. For example, if your bedtime is 9.30 p.m., try to follow the same time every night.  
  • Limit the use of tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine before bedtime.  
  • Keep the electronic devices and gadgets away from the bedroom. 
  • Choose quality, high thread-count sheets, and pillowcases, as they are more comfortable.  
  • Avoid eating late and heavy meals in the evenings.  
To conclude, Sleep is not only essential to maintain healthy skin but for your body and its overall health. In order to keep your skin protected from early aging, acne, dullness, and under-eye concerns, a good sleep routine is a must. At the same time, you need to admit the fact that, like following a skincare routine, a good sleep routine does take some time and a lot of patience