4 Expert Eyelash care tips

Aug 12, 2022

sachin sanap

4 Expert Eyelash care tips

How nice would it be to get naturally long, lustrous, and thick eyelashes? Eyelash products like mascara and falsies may help mimic the look, but nothing gives that perfection and satisfaction of naturally healthy-looking beautiful eyelashes. Well, the time is here to make those dull, sparse, and thin lashes the way you want- lashes that you dreamed of. Want to know how? You don't need to follow an elaborate routine or undergo expensive treatments to achieve gorgeous-looking lashes; instead, get to know these four best eyelash care tips that experts always stress. Read on; 

Is it necessary to care for your eyelashes? 

Most people are regular in following systematic skincare and hair care. It is eyelashes, which are often left out in the cold. But, in reality, lashes are the finishing touch that can uplift the entire look of your face. When your hairs demand care and nourishments, the same is also applicable to the eyelashes too.  

Providing proper care and using the right products on the lashes can help you with long lashes and protect them from falling out, breakage, and other lash hair concerns. So, yes lash care routine is essential to maintain healthy eyelashes.  

Before moving on to the tips to care for the eyelashes, knowing the causes for falling out of the eyelashes are important. Take a peep at the main reasons; 

You're aging: We can see a lot of changes happening on the skin and hair after certain. Similarly, eyelashes fall more when you get older. But it isn't an incurable problem; giving proper care using the right products will strengthen the lashes and enhance lash growth. 

Cosmetics and tools you use: There are times when you forget to remove those mascara stains from the lashes; when left on the lashes, these makeup products can dry out your eyelashes, making them brittle and weak and more prone to breakage. Similarly, using tools like curlers frequently can eventually cause damage to your eyelashes.  

It’s natural; part of the growth cycle

Eyelashes undergo growth cycles known as the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. Following the telogen phase is the time of hair fall; during this period, lashes fall out. You need to provide utmost care to your eyelashes to prevent them from worsening during this time.  

Stress can be a reason

When the body is stressed out, it leads to hormonal imbalances, which causes the lashes to fall out. Keeping the mind and body relaxed will provide you with a healthy body, skin, and obviously healthy lashes. 

Lack of proper lash care

We often forget to care about those tiny hairs that are the focal point of the entire face. Also, we use tough and waterproof mascara and falsies on the eyelashes frequently to enhance the beauty the eyelashes. Eyelashes are not only meant to make you look beautiful, but it's also responsible for protecting the eyes. And so, we need to follow a routine to take care and nurture eyelashes to prevent damage, hair fall, and breakage.  

Four Expert Lash care Tips 

Taking care of the eyelashes isn't difficult. But, true that you may have to invest some time and effort in nurturing them. If you are confused about which products to use or how to care for your eyelashes, we've rounded up the four best tips that experts recommend to maintain healthy eyelashes and promote lash growth. Check it out; 

Tip# 1: Keep them clean 

If you are much bothered about your eyelashes, the first and the best step you could practice is to keep the eyelashes clean. Like you follow a regular facial cleansing routine, cleansing the eyelashes should be included in your regular skincare routine. You may use cleansers especially recommended for the eyes or try out lash shampoos. During the days when you use mascara, remove the makeup from the lashes using a natural makeup remover followed by a cleanser to ensure that the eyelashes are completely free of any mascara stains. 

Tip# 2: Be gentle  

Most times, during cleansing, removing makeup, or even while applying makeup, we often forget that these hairs are so delicate and prone to damage if not handled gently. Harsh rubbing while removing the makeup or when it's itching can badly damage the eyelashes leading to hair fall.  

Tip# 3: Provide them with the best nourishments 

Though there are many natural remedies to moisturize the eyelashes, nothing works great and provides amazing results like using custom-made products for eyelashes. Two of the best lash care products which work wonders on eyelashes are the natural eyelash oil and eyelash serum. Natural lash care products are safe to use in the eye area because it has the most potent yet safest ingredients.  

  • Using natural lash growth serums strengthens the eyelashes hence promoting lash growth. 
  • Eyelash oil deeply nourishes and moisturizes the eyelashes and safeguards them from drying out, breakage, and lash fall.  

These products, when used consistently, provide you with thick, long, and attractive eyelashes. Check out Savarnas Mantra's natural lash care products if you want to provide the best to your eyelashes.  

Tip # 4: Comb the lashes 

Brushing the eyelashes can benefit the lashes in different ways; firstly, it helps to keep the lashes clean by wiping off any extra debris stuck on the eyelashes. Secondly, combing the lashes after using the products like eyelash serum or lash oil helps distribute the product evenly to the lashes and follicles. Thus, it helps you yield the best of it. Similarly, combing the eyelashes also stimulates the hair follicles, which helps in lash growth. 

Having naturally strong, lengthy, and thicker eyelashes is a pride for any woman! Follow these simple lash care tips and see the difference it brings to your eyelashes.